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Welcome #simmaGirl 

Who are we?

Well…we do a little bit of everything! We’ve got a strong community for aspiring, current and former professional sports cheerleaders and dancers, and not to mention a true force to be reckoned with. We take pride in providing all the tools you’ll need to be a part of this world including training, education, opportunity and let’s not forget audition outfits! So first why not…



Our Training Progam

The Simma Wear 3 month training programs are located in the San Francisco Bay Area & Los Angeles which are designed for dancers to reach their highest potential and train as a pro dancer or cheerleader! We accept all dance levels and our goal is to shape dancers to make a pro sports dance team, or at the very least, dance like one!


Want Us To Bring our Training Program & Dance Classes to you?

Tell us where you’re located!

We’ll keep you posted on all Simma Wear training programs, pop up workshops & recruitment clinics!



A note.

"More than anything, I want you to feel good. You should walk into your audition feeling your absolute best, not worrying about the next girl, but feeling confident in yourself. Yes your hair, makeup, dance, fitness is part of that, but if I can help in a small way by providing audition attire or dance training, I’m happy. I put my heart and soul in to making sure you get the best and want to see you succeed in what can be a competitive wold. Clothing aside, I believe in you. Be fearless. Get excited. Trust yourself. The universe is truly unlimited, and so are you. Your wishes wait to come to life. Good luck at your audition."

-Simmone (Talent Agent + Simma Wear Founder)


A goal should scare you a

little & Excite you a lot
