1 Month Intensive.
2-3 Times/Week.
In Person/Online HyBRID.
8 Ladies Accepted.
To learn more & apply click here
Simmone here.
After being locked away for a few months, now more than ever, the thought of truly teaching and getting back in the studio feels like a 2-week vacation in Costa Rica.
However, let’s not forget that we’re still in the middle of a pandemic. So as the world slowly works to open to our new normal, we are too…slowly, safely and small.
As you may know, I've spent the past few years training dancers to make pro teams but this is the first time providing a program so targeted, specific and you guest it, intense (should be my middle name). An intensive that honestly, I’m thankful for a little enemy of mine COVID helped me create and one that will be starting with just 8 ladies with 85%of it taken place in person (or can be fully online). Click HERE for full schedule & FAQs.
Getting through an NBA season was one of the toughest things I've done in my life with long rehearsals, a brutal schedule, dealing with tough critiques, making quick changes and still trying to have a life, yet it is something I would never take back. This experience I WANT YOU to have, but getting there is not always as simple as it may seem and just like anything in life you must set yourself up for success (wishing it is not enough).
This is the first time we're I'm dedicating an entire month to just 8 of you ladies (or men) throughout the US, making sure every detail in your journey is figured out. This intensive will mimic the work ethic needed to be on a team while also tackling new skill sets needed to navigate virtual auditions and is NBA focused.
With majority of our training still online through our online membership and drop in classes (check out our online classes). This is chance to learn from me directly, under strict guidelines from deep cleaning guidelines in the studio, staying 6 feet a part, temperature checks and getting COVID testing to name a few.
Never auditioned before? Do it.
Already on a team? Do it. Years of no? Do it.
You miss all the shots you don't take.