THURSDAY 9/10 @ 7PM & Monday 9/14 @ 6:30PM.

12 Spaces Each Class. SIGN UP BELOW.

Simmone here.

After being locked away for a few months, now more than ever, the thought of truly teaching and getting back in the studio feels like a 2-week vacation in Costa Rica.

However, let’s not forget that we’re still in the middle of a pandemic. So as the world slowly works to open to our new normal, we are too…slowly, safely and small. We aren’t opening our full LA program yet, but I am holding two classes in LA that will incorporate choreography as well as giving real time feedback.

With majority of our training still online through our online membership and drop in classes (check out our online classes). This is chance to learn from me directly in person, under strict guidelines from deep cleaning guidelines in the studio, staying 6 feet a part, temperature checks and wearing masks.

Never auditioned before? Do it.
Already on a team? Do it.
Years of no? Do it.
Bored at home? Do it.
You miss all the shots you don't take.
